Sunday 28 February 2016

Crossfit Open 16.1 Scaled

I don't think I have ever been so disappointed in myself when it comes to a wod. The funny thing is in my head I was aiming for 5 rounds but when I got to the box and saw that most everyone who had done the scaled version of the wod were at 8 rounds and above I said to myself "ok you'll get 6 and a little something something."

I was terrified of the walking lunges cos my mobility is so shot that when I lunge with a weight it starts of with 5kgs and then drops down to 2.5kgs. So 15kgs is a jump that I thought would never be doable. After Olympic Lifting class in the morning I attempted the 15kgs...not bad not bad at all...I was a little winded when I walked the 25feet but yeah that was defo doable, I felt semi good about it. So the plan was to just keep moving and rest for 5 sec max if I needed it. but take it slow. Dave told me to look at it as chunks and focus on each movement and put it behind me once done.

I'm not going to go into the nitty gritty, but when all was said and done and I was told what I got I burst in to tears...simply because I felt like I had let myself down even though I felt like I had worked my butt off...I was a tad bit confused to say the least.

Coach Ellz  no repped me 4 times on the jumping pullups, once on the walking lunges, and once on the burpees. I simply walked over the bar instead of jumping (proper brain fart). The Burpee no rep was the only one I was mad at cos that defo could have been prevented.

Now 5 hours later I'm still gutted with my 5 rounds 11reps score but looking back I couldn't have done it any quicker...I only rested for a few secs to catch my breathe on the pullups but other than that I was constently moving.

If tomorrow I wake up and feel the need to do it again I will and honestly I may take my pullups a tad bit slower so I don't get no repped and maybe that will bump me up a little bit.

But at the same time I'm thinking if I hadn't seen any of the scaled scores on the whitebord then maybe just maybe I would be ecstatic with my 141reps. After all that's 5 rounds and 11 bonus points.

Bring on 16.2

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